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Authentication failed when using LTPA

Leonardo Benevides (266628) | asked Nov 05 '19, 8:42 a.m.

Hello everyone!

Looking at the ccm server in SystemOut.log, I found several exception entries (over 45K) for the same user, reporting some LDAP related authentication error.

000002c7 FormLoginExte E   SECJ0118E: Authentication error during authentication for user 123456789
00000116 LTPAServerObj E   SECJ0369E: Authentication failed when using LTPA. The exception is [LDAP: error code 49 - Invalid Credentials].

Curiously, the user is working smoothly  both on web client and eclipse. The SystemOut error appears each time the WAS LTPA token has been renewed.

Our topology is:

IHS HTTPServer, WAS, CLM 6.0.6 fix011 in a distributed environment, DB2, and LDAP as the user repository.

Does anyone know what may be happening?

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