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Script for dependent enumeration

Shradha Srivastav (348413) | asked Feb 16 '17, 6:01 a.m.

We have two attributes Request Type and Defect Type, We have few values
for the both enumerations. Based on the selection of Request type user
need to have choice of value for Defect Type. If Request Type is
"Defect" then user should be able to select any of the available values
from "Defect Type" dropdown, if Request Type is "Enhancement" then
"Defect Type" should be autopopuate to "N/A" and should be read-only.

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Dinesh Kumar B (4.1k413) | answered Feb 16 '17, 6:09 a.m.

Hi Shradha,

You would need to create a Dependent Enumeration between
   Request Type and Defect Type
with their literals mapped as in :
   Defect literal from Request Type mapped to all but N/A in Defect Type
   Enhancement literal from Request Type mapped to only N/A

and apply a Script based Condition on Defect Type.
The condition will look for if the value in Defect Type is N/A and return true.

Hope this helps

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