howto pass argument to RQM junit selenium adapter 4.0.7
One answer
Why would you want to do that?
I don't know how you can change anything of the adapter in the Adapter Console. I suppose you mean the "test script"? The "Software Type" variable that you mentioned is clearly for the test script, not for the adapter itself. So it makes perfect sense to define the variable in the test script. Also, the command line parameters that you use to start the adapter is for the adapter itself, whether the test script (or the "Test Class") will inherit the JVM environment is a different matter. All the available command line parameters can be found here:
Hi Donald,
It may not be obvious - the artifact that you modified, as shown in the screenshot, ,is of the type "Lab Resource", not the Adapter itself. This is the document about it.
As far as I can see, this is the "Machine" lab resource, and as long as you start the adapter on the same machine, you have the same lab resource associated to it. So there is really no need to specify the Software Type attribute when starting the adapter.
We have to edit lab resource properties dynamically after starting the adapter because the machine (docker container) doesn't exist before that.
Tunca Karabel