reload projects out of sync
I'm source controlling the word and excel files. Whenever I make a change to a file and if someone else also has made a changed and checked-in to the stream. When I sync my sandbox with the remote. I see that file in incoming. but when I try to undo my file. It says "unable to preserve...<file path> and asks to sync the projects. When I try to reload the projects it again says "unable to preserve...<file path> and asks me to reload the projects.
This is extremely pathetic.
Also, tell me how can I revert a change set. It extremely difficult to go back to a previous version of a change set.
things are really difficult and non intuitive in RTC.
One answer
You should lock files that can not be merged such as word and excel.
Repository workspaces usually only become out of sync if the user loads the same repository workspace multiple times and works on the loaded workspaces. Unsure how you managed to get into that state but I would unload everything and load again. Save the local changes somewhere before you do.
Change sets are the granularity level of RTC. Change sets don't have states, they only have one version. You can Suspend, discard and reverse change sets from the same menu you use to deliver. You can create a patch to create a new change set with a change that reverses the change of a change set, you can replace files with versions in the history. Without basic knowledge what you want to do there is no way to suggest anything, which brings me to How should I ask a question in the Forum if I want to receive useful answers?
Here are several really helpful articles that you should look at