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Hosting RQM and RTC on the same machine and WAS?

Rodrigo Silva (5151) | asked Sep 03 '09, 9:23 a.m.
Hi All, This DOC is possible with WAS? or just Tomcat?

Thanks in advance,

3 answers

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Rodrigo Silva (5151) | answered Sep 10 '09, 2:21 p.m.

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Amirsam Khataei (256175) | answered Sep 10 '09, 4:43 p.m.
Base on my assumption, your concern is:
"how to I run both RQM and RTC concurrently on the same server, both using WAS"

If the Apache Tomcat Server is the container, RRC, RTC and RQM Server can coexist on the same machine. This has been confirmed with development team and I also tested in my test environment and it worked fine.

In case IBM WebSphere Application Server is the container, we don't know whether it will fully work or not on the same machine. (it was based on RTC 1.0) I checked with development team and they said this has not been tested yet in development side and neither support side at that time.

Like the doc says, this hasn't been fully tested and therefore is not officially supported. For that reason, we do not have official documentation on doing this. However, if you keep the two instances completely separate you should be able to run both. You definitely cannot run both apps in the same JVM, so you will need to install RQM on a separate AppServer. You'll have to follow this general set of criteria:

- create a separate appserver within your WAS profile (eg 'server2' in addition to the default 'server1')
- the ports must be different on the second appserver in order to run the two applications simultaneously.
- 2 completely independent databases must be used.

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | answered Sep 23 '09, 10:27 a.m.

Clarification: Same physical box, but *different* instance of tomcat ?

Base on my assumption, your concern is:
"how to I run both RQM and RTC concurrently on the same server, both using WAS"

If the Apache Tomcat Server is the container, RRC, RTC and RQM Server can coexist on the same machine. This has been confirmed with development team and I also tested in my test environment and it worked fine.

In case IBM WebSphere Application Server is the container, we don't know whether it will fully work or not on the same machine. (it was based on RTC 1.0) I checked with development team and they said this has not been tested yet in development side and neither support side at that time.

Like the doc says, this hasn't been fully tested and therefore is not officially supported. For that reason, we do not have official documentation on doing this. However, if you keep the two instances completely separate you should be able to run both. You definitely cannot run both apps in the same JVM, so you will need to install RQM on a separate AppServer. You'll have to follow this general set of criteria:

- create a separate appserver within your WAS profile (eg 'server2' in addition to the default 'server1')
- the ports must be different on the second appserver in order to run the two applications simultaneously.
- 2 completely independent databases must be used.

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