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"Automatically deleting build results" ANT property

Hung Lam (2911915) | asked Jul 02 '08, 9:56 p.m.
Is there an ANT property for "Automatically deleting build results"? I
need to retrieve the number that the user specifies for "Automatically
deleting build results" in my build.xml.


3 answers

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Don Weinand (7851) | answered Jul 03 '08, 11:36 a.m.
No...there is no ant task that will retrieve the number of build results
that will be kept before they are pruned for a given build definition with
pruning enabled. What problem are you trying to solve? Perhaps there is
another way we can help you.

Don Weinand
Jazz Team Build

"hvlam" <hungvlam> wrote in message
Is there an ANT property for "Automatically deleting build results"? I
need to retrieve the number that the user specifies for "Automatically
deleting build results" in my build.xml.


permanent link
Hung Lam (2911915) | answered Jul 05 '08, 1:22 p.m.
Thanks Don,
We store our build results on our build machine and publish the links to
the Jazz repository. No physical files from the builds are stored in
the Jazz repository. We wrote a ANT task to prune the build results
from the build machine. The task has an argument that indicates how
many build results to keep. We would like to automatically retrieve
this counter from the Jazz build definition. Hope this makes sense.

Donald Weinand wrote:
No...there is no ant task that will retrieve the number of build results
that will be kept before they are pruned for a given build definition with
pruning enabled. What problem are you trying to solve? Perhaps there is
another way we can help you.

Don Weinand
Jazz Team Build

"hvlam" <hungvlam> wrote in message
Is there an ANT property for "Automatically deleting build results"? I
need to retrieve the number that the user specifies for "Automatically
deleting build results" in my build.xml.


permanent link
Don Weinand (7851) | answered Jul 05 '08, 7:51 p.m.
Not sure you need that since I assume if the build result is in the
repository you'll want to keep around the actual artifacts that are on disk.
You only want to prune away the artifacts for any result that no longer
exists...correct? If this is true...we had the same problem with our Jazz
build results since we store them the same way you do. I wrote an ant task
for our release engineering team that cleans them all up automatically. The
task simply takes the build definition ids of interest to prune and the base
directory location of the artifacts to delete. It then checks if the build
result for the artifacts still exists in the repo and deletes them if it
doesn't. We created a special "CleanUp" build definition that simply runs
on a regular schedule and kicks of an ant build that invokes that task.
Take a look at workitem 46698. Comment 8 has details of the task I wrote to
do this. There is a jar attached to the workitem as well as the source in a
changeset for the task itself.

Don Weinand
Jazz Team Build

"hvlam" <hungvlam> wrote in message
Thanks Don,
We store our build results on our build machine and publish the links to
the Jazz repository. No physical files from the builds are stored in the
Jazz repository. We wrote a ANT task to prune the build results from the
build machine. The task has an argument that indicates how many build
results to keep. We would like to automatically retrieve this counter
from the Jazz build definition. Hope this makes sense.

Donald Weinand wrote:
No...there is no ant task that will retrieve the number of build results
that will be kept before they are pruned for a given build definition
with pruning enabled. What problem are you trying to solve? Perhaps
there is another way we can help you.

Don Weinand
Jazz Team Build

"hvlam" <hungvlam> wrote in message
Is there an ANT property for "Automatically deleting build results"? I
need to retrieve the number that the user specifies for "Automatically
deleting build results" in my build.xml.


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