screen capture Chrome/OS-X 10.12
2 answers
Hello Liora,
The screen capture is a separate Java application that requires Java Web Start to run. The first time that you use the capture tool, it prompts you to download a file that is named rtc_screencapture.jnlp. For the other attempts to use the screen capture, it will also "flash" the download option at the browser, but it is the internal check if there is a newer version to download or not.
If it is showing as unidentified developer, you should be facing the certificate issue:
The screen capture is a separate Java application that requires Java Web Start to run. The first time that you use the capture tool, it prompts you to download a file that is named rtc_screencapture.jnlp. For the other attempts to use the screen capture, it will also "flash" the download option at the browser, but it is the internal check if there is a newer version to download or not.
If it is showing as unidentified developer, you should be facing the certificate issue:
Hello Isabel,
I am facing the certificate issue, and therefor downloaded the patch.
There is a minor issue with the instructions, the name of the file to backup is different from the one listed in the readme file: vs
The severe issue is that when trying to get back to my project:
I hit a page with the text: Error 404: ProxyServlet: /ccm/web/
Ignore this comment. I have downloaded the patch again (there was an updated one with the same name apparently).
The instructions are good and the applications come up.
But, still screen capture applicaiton can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer.
My security preferences allow installation of only apps from the App Store and identified developers.
Google Chrome download this file today at 18:11 from