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IBM RPE prompting values for multiple selection

Anh Do (1116) | asked Dec 15 '16, 10:36 p.m.
Hi team,

Currently, I having a requirement that to make a combo-box for multiple selection values on report template using RPE (Rational Publishing Engine) . By  using the below javascript in RPE, I can create a combo-box with options for select, but only single selection. the javascript is from the site:
The javascript is:
var options = new java.util.ArrayList();
options.add( "Project A" );
options.add( "Project X" );
options.add( "Project Z" );
// 1st argument is parent component - use null
// 2nd argument is the label of the selection
// 3rd argument is the dialog's title
// 4th argument is the message type
// 5th argument is the icon  - if null a default icon matching the message type will be used
// 6th is the list of values
// 7th argument is the initial value to select from the list
var input = javax.swing.JOptionPane.showInputDialog( null , 'Select the the project to use: ', ' RPE Variable Prompt',  javax.swing.JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null , options.toArray(), "Project X" );
// debug message
java.lang.System.out.println( "You entered: " + input);
// return the value provided by the user

I want to ask how to make it multiple selection, can you please help me on this?

Thank you,
Best regards,
Anh Do

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