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Manual test not displayed during execution

Jessica McLaughlin (1633) | asked Sep 02 '09, 11:40 a.m.
Has anyone seen this behavior? I have a manual test authored in RQM 2.0. I have it assigned to a test execution record. Previously I was able to execute the test successfully. Since yesterday when I execute, the script looks like it will appear, but the steps are all blank. The only thing I can do is cancel. I receive no errors in my tomcat window.

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Jessica McLaughlin (1633) | answered Sep 02 '09, 11:52 a.m.
A customer knows that 80% of their users use IE and 20% use Firefox. They were wondering if there was an automated method to create their test configurations in RQM so that they are most like the ratio of their customer usage. Does anyone know of a way to do this?

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