RTC Plan View - Column Display of Change sets are in random order
We are on CM/RTC 6.0.1
Using the web client - I have a Plan, edited the view to display the column "Change sets". ((( See attached image taken from my Plan, showing the change sets column - this looks great.))) The change sets are numbered (1, 2, 3, etc) and the numbers are active links which I can 'rich hover' to see more info (Date, comment, etc).
OBSERVATION: For some work items, when I hover over the highest number, it is not the latest change set, rather, the first changeset
QUESTIONS: Can someone please advise? This seems to be a bug/defect??
Thanks in advance.
p.s. Sorry my reputation is <60 & wouldn't let me upload the image
One answer
PS, if you assume there should be an temporal/alphabetical ordering of the cange sets, the assumption is most likely wrong. It is most likely fetched and displayed in the order the link API provides it. There is alos not necessarily any relationship between the change sets - except they are linked to the same work item and ordering would likely just be overhead.
Thank you, read your guidance & have edited my question
Not assuming as you accuse me of in you comment. The change set active links are NUMBERED. So, logically, ordinary people like me interpret the lowest number as the earliest check-in to source control. Below is NOT happening in the (web) RTC Plan
#1 - 11/12/2016
#2 - 11/31/2016
#3 - 12/1/2016
That something has a number does not mean that it will be sorted by it. So this is an assumption.
The numbers in the Plan web UI are artificial to allow you to select one change set and see what it is and drill down if needed. They are not a property of the change set. And in fact the number is not even for the change set, it is for the change set work item association.