How to update an RTC component from a Stream without removing the Component from the Stream?
2 answers
I did read about streams and i understand the concept up until the Component level. I understand that if i create a stream from the component i can work on my personal location and whatever changes i make is updated at the stream level.
A change set is always in some component, so when you checkin a new version of a file into a change set, that version of that file is now automatically "added to that component". But I don't think that is what you are thinking of when you say "update the component".
It sounds like the key point you are missing is that a component is not a configuration. You do not deliver a change set to a component, because you only deliver a change set to a mutable configuration (e.g., usually to a stream, although sometimes to a workspace that you own).
So you do not create a stream from a component. You create a stream, and you can extend the scope of the stream to include an additional component, in which case you have to specify what configuration of that component you want to appear in your stream.
In addition, a stream does not "refer to a baseline" ... it refers to a sequence of change sets (which may at a particular point in time be the same sequence of change sets referred to by some baseline).
I would start with . is also a good starting point and provides additional links for further reading per topic.
You can basically use baselines to do what you want.