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set scm connection timeout?

Ayse Bener (115) | asked Nov 15 '16, 10:33 a.m.
 I am trying to extract workitems' reviewer information from RTC. I use Python to connect scm, and scm command similar to:  "  scm export code-review -r kg --json _UU6RMMqrEeWW1pjuq1MlnQ queryResult.json " to extract required data. When the number of workitems in the query is less than 100 or so, the script works well. However, if the number of workitems (which I am trying to extract reviewer information from) is larger, it gives me timeout error. 

Is there anyway that I can set/increase timeout?

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Shashikant Padur (4.3k27) | answered Nov 15 '16, 11:29 p.m.
The workitem 403389 mentions that if the query has more than 100 worktiems it throws an illegal argument exception. Looks like the same issue but you are facing a time out instead of illegal argument exception. By the way, the mentioned workitem was fixed in 6.0.3.

How long does it take to timeout? I believe the default is 300 seconds.

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