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how to backout the code in RTC

Sagar shah (821617) | asked May 01 '12, 11:52 a.m.
retagged Jun 24 '14, 10:31 a.m. by David Lafreniere (4.8k7)

How do we backout the code is RTC ? what is the procedure can it be automatic ? or it has to be via patches ? can the merge happen automatically or always the code has to be overwritten in workspace and rechecked in.

Scenario: some code for a feature has been checked in ( involves many files) and in the last minute this feature code has to be backed out due to a reason how is this achieved in RTC in easiest way?

Appreciate your help


Accepted answer

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered May 02 '12, 9:10 p.m.
You can apply the "reverse" operation to a change set in the history of your workspace. This creates a patch that you then apply to your workspace.

Alternatively, you can try to backout code in your workspace with the "discard" or "suspend" operation applied to a change-set in the history of the workspace. If this fails because there are changes in the workspace that depend on that change set, then you'll have to use the "reverse" mechanism. If it succeeds, then to apply this change to a stream, you have to use the "replace" operation, rather than the "deliver" operation.



How do we backout the code is RTC ? what is the procedure can it be automatic ? or it has to be via patches ? can the merge happen automatically or always the code has to be overwritten in workspace and rechecked in.

Scenario: some code for a feature has been checked in ( involves many files) and in the last minute this feature code has to be backed out due to a reason how is this achieved in RTC in easiest way?

Appreciate your help

Sagar shah selected this answer as the correct answer

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