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How to get members in a ALM common group via RTC API or some ways else

han huynh (19314) | asked Oct 23 '16, 11:37 p.m.
Dear RTC team,

Currently our project integrates with ALM via RTC API (6.0.1), we have a ALM common group and would get all members in this group to provide access to our system.

Question: how do we get all members in the group from its name without caring project areas?


Ralph Schoon commented Oct 24 '16, 2:59 a.m.

What is an ALM common group? I don't understand what concepts you are referring to and what your use case is. Please provide better details.

han huynh commented Oct 24 '16, 3:06 a.m.

Hi Ralph,

Sorry if I'm not clear on my expectation. In our side there is one custom group like "xxxx_CLM_users_UP" and the membership of the group will grant you access to beeing member to lifecycle projects areas. Now we need to get all members in this group.

han huynh commented Oct 24 '16, 3:11 a.m.

And one more question: Contributors I can get via RTC API are exact users who register in ALM system, right?

Ralph Schoon commented Oct 24 '16, 3:46 a.m.

Sorry, you are not using terms that make sense to me. If you refer to a lifecycle project and users assigned to it, I am not sure if there is a Java API.

Each Server (RTC, JTS,...) has its own usr entries that are seeded by JTS, The user details are the same on all servers, but they are not the same objects. You can however use the RTC API against th JTS to get user data.

han huynh commented Oct 24 '16, 3:55 a.m. | edited Oct 24 '16, 4:02 a.m.

ok, thanks Ralph for your quick response. Please ignore my questions above.
Now I can check user by user id via
IContributor contributor = this.repo.contributorManager().fetchContributorByUserId(userId, monitor);

But the user id is case sensitive, so my concern is how to ignore case sensitive of user id during fetching contributor without changing in ADMIN as mentioned?

Thanks so much for your time.

han huynh commented Oct 24 '16, 3:56 a.m. | edited unknown

ok, thanks Ralph for your quick response. Please ignore my questions above.
Now I can check user by user id via
IContributor contributor = this.repo.contributorManager().fetchContributorByUserId(userId, monitor);

But the user id is case sensitive, so my concern is how to ignore case sensitive of user id during fetching contributor?

Thanks so much for your time.

Ralph Schoon commented Oct 24 '16, 4:23 a.m.

You can use contributorManager().fetchAllContributors(monitor) to get all users and iterate that.

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