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RTC 6.0.2 Is it possible to apply two different access groups to a specific folder location in source control?

Rafael Rodriguez Montes (23013130258) | asked Oct 23 '16, 9:46 p.m.
 Is it possible to apply two different access groups to a specific folder location in source control?
and have different access groups per stream, example, an stream 1 assigned to group A and B, stream 2 assigned to group C and D additionally to the permissions assigned to specific folders like in the stream 2 group c has access to some folders and group D has access to the rest of the folders. 

Right now I notice that  it appears whatever folder restriction you apply to one stream, it will apply the same restrictions to all of the other streams.  Is there a way around this or another method to independently apply user restrictions  to specific streams? 


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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Oct 24 '16, 3:19 a.m.
You can only assign one access group to SCM elements, regardless which one it is. You can manage access groups built of team areas etc, but you can still always only assign one group to each element.

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