Unable to find server.xml file under DOORSNG\server\liberty\servers\clm folder. Unable to find the folder itself.
I am trying for some RM extensions and following this link. https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RMExtensionsHostingGuide602
It is mentioned that i need to do some changes in server.xml file which can be found under <Installation path>\server\liberty\servers\clm
I have installed whole CLM 6.0.2 (not RM standalone).
I am not able to find server.xml file and also the whole folder structure. Both are important as it is mentioned to create 'dropin' and 'war' directory inside the above given path.
Can someone help me in telling where I am going wrong.
Pasting few lines from the article for ease:
Before you start the server, you must edit a configuration file. From the root installation directory navigate to
and locate theserver.xml
file. -
Open this file in a text editor and locate this line
<applicationMonitor dropinsEnabled='false' pollingRate='10s' updateTrigger='mbean'/>
and save the file. -
Navigate to the
directory. -
Create a directory called
. -
In the
directory create another directory calledwar
. -
In the
directory another directory calledextensions
. This should give you a directory structure like this:c:\Programs\DOORSNG\server\liberty\servers\clm\dropins\war\extensions
Bas Bekker
JAZZ DEVELOPER Oct 20 '16, 12:10 p.m.Did you deploy your CLM 6.0.2 install on Liberty, or on WebSphere Application Server?
I have a Out-Of-The-Box Liberty install and deploy with CLM 6.0.2, and the server.xml file is located as indicated by the Wiki article. Deploying on WAS changes things and the example doesn't cover that.
Shuchita Tripathi
Oct 21 '16, 3:08 a.m.Hi Bas,
Bas Bekker
JAZZ DEVELOPER Oct 21 '16, 9:38 a.m.I am not aware how to do a quick sample deploy on WAS. See Donald's comment below in the same Wiki article for a more formal WAS deployment.