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i'm making a olsc 1.0 rest call to get a record last modified time in clearquest. but the response time i'm getting from is not relavent to the ClearQuest server machine time ?

iv krishna (112) | asked Oct 17 '16, 2:16 p.m.
edited Oct 17 '16, 2:29 p.m.
rest call -http://localhost/cqweb/oslc/repo/8.0.0/db/SAMPL/record/16778973-33556200/field/history
by making above call got response as 

<dc:title>33560276 2016-10-12 06:52:14 engineer Open no_value Opened</dc:title>

The time in <action_timestamp> is showing not relevant to the ClearQuest server machine time. not able to identify the default time zone. the actual time is 12 October 2016 13:28:24 India Standard Time ( not 2016-10-12T02:28:24Z )

can anyone help me to get the issue ?

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