Cannot connect to ClearQuest programmatically through RESTAPI since migration to

I'm writing to you because my organization is using ClearQuest.
We use the rest API to do queries through a programming language named groovy (based on Java).
Everything was working fine until we migrated to the version, I cannot do any URL query anymore through a script as I always have this answer back :
Unable to tunnel through proxy. Proxy returns "HTTP/1.0 502 Bad Gateway"
We didn't change our proxy settings and everything worked fine before the migration.
The URL format is right (I can enter this URL right into a browser and it will work)
an example of code to connect to ClearQuest through REST API and parse the XML page:
def urlClearQuest = "https://clearquest.MyCompany.hub/cqweb/restapi/CQat/dataBase/RECORD/databaseId?format=XML&loginId=MyLogin&password=MyPassword&noframes=true" urlClearQuest.toURL()
def findProductID = new XmlSlurper().parse(urlClearQuest)</pre>
This triggers this error :
Unable to tunnel through proxy. Proxy returns "HTTP/1.0 502 Bad Gateway"
And as I said, entering the URL directly into a browser cause no problems.
Kind regards,
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