How do I get the system to automatically update integers?
I am working in the CCM module of Rational Team Concert 6.0. I have built a special type of defect with a special identification number. When one of these special defects is assigned, I would like for the system to automatically assign the next available integer, similar to how the ID number is generated when a new work item is created. At the moment I can only look at the query and then manually put in the next number. Is there away to get the system to add the next number in when creating the special defect type?
2 answers
What does
When one of these special defects is assigned, I would like for the system to automatically assign the next available integer, similar to how the ID number is generated when a new work item is created.mean? What does "is assigned" mean. The only automation I can think about would be a follow up action on work item save or some kind of calculated value.
When a Work Item is generated the ID field is assigned a number, i.e. the first work item generated is assigned number 1, the second number 2 and so on. I want the system to do the same thing for special defects, but I don't want that number to iterate if a different type of work item is assigned.