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RTC Expressions : How to create a dynamic expression to get a particular Team's Unassigned workitems ?

Jazzuser user (681050) | asked Sep 12 '17, 1:00 a.m.

Hello All,

I have a usecase wherein, I need to create a RTC Expression for fetching all the "Unassigned workitems" for a given Team Area.

I am following :

How I didnt a insight of using the "TeamArea" and its planned for "Unassigned" in the expression.

I tried with following  :
                IQueryableAttribute teamAttribute = QueryableAttributes.getFactory(ITeamArea.ITEM_TYPE)
                    .findAttribute(projectArea, ITeamArea.NAME_PROPERTY_ID, auditableCommon, monitor);

Is this correct ?
but not getting any clue for the "Planned for" : Unassigned workitems.

Please help me forming this query.


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