mainframe load directory
5 answers
Here's how it works, and yes it's a bit different from distributed because we have a way to recognize MVS content from USS content.
What's loaded on USS:
In the build definition, in the tab Jazz Source Control, there is a check box "load workspace to the load directory at the beginning of the build"
If it is unchecked, nothing will be loaded on USS.
If it is checked:
All the projects that are not zComponent Projects (e.g. Java projects) will be loaded fully in the load directory.
For the projects that are zComponent Projects, everything will be loaded, except the folder zOSSrc and its subfolders. These ones are meant to be loaded on MVS, in the Resource Prefix (each folder under zOSSrc is pointing to a data set definition).
Yes the ant with enterprise extensions build works the same as far as the load is concerned (but there are less options to tune):
everything is loaded in loaded in USS except the zOSSrc folders and their subfolders, that go to MVS.
I assume that GD is the name of your zComponentProject.
It's true also that the build generates a few XML files, to drive the ant build, that are placed in the load directory as well.
1 vote
Hi Nicolas,
On z/OS, the default code page is EBCDIC. For members in PDS, you certainly want to load the text content in EBCDIC. For the files on USS, it depends, and we offer options to load either in EBCDIC or ASCII.
We have rules to convert files to EBCDIC or not, based on their locations and properties.
Binary files (aka files that are not recognized by RTC as text files) will not be converted.
Text files in a zFolder will be converted to EBCDIC. This is either to the code page specified by the ZLANG env variable or the code page of the system.
You can override this code page on specific zFiles by using the user property mvsCodePage.
For files in zComponentProject but not under zOSSrc (the files that will be loaded on USS), the file will be converted or not based on the property mvsCodePage.
You have detailed explanations on this mechanism on this page:
Hi Nicolas,
sorry, let me correct a statement,