RQMURLUtility-6.0.2 is missing the source ('src') folder as of 2016-10-10
Accepted answer
Hello David, as you said the 602 does not contains the src folder but you can download it from any 603 milestone build and you will be able to see the content, it should give you the same result in your comparison. To be more accurate, try the 603 M1
Just to be certain: Are you saying that "there is no API change that could impact the RQM URL Utility from 6.0.2 to 6.0.3M1, therefore the source code would be identical"?
David, as far I can see in the code compare, then the answer is yes, the 602 vs 603 M1 has not suffer API changes so far and then if you take the src code of 603 M1, that will be the same as 602 GA, this since is the first milestone after 602 which has no changes so far at that point.