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Can I filter testscripts by those that are NOT linked to a test suite using the REST API?

Mitch Slater (156) | asked Jul 13 '22, 4:15 p.m.

 As the title says, I'm trying to filter the results of a test script query to only include scripts that are not linked to a test suite. I know I can filter by the test suite (testsuite/href@=), but haven't been able to figure out if there's a way to set this filter equal to some kind of 'null' or 'undefined' value to only return unlinked scripts.

I've tried setting testsuite/href@= to 'undefined' and empty string, without and without quote marks, as well as using not equal to '*' wildcard, but to no avail.
Bascially, does anyone know if it's possible to filter artifacts that do not have a specific defined attribute?
Thanks in advance!

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