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send back the result files to RQM while using RQM command line Adaptor.

Sajitha Yousuf (25611) | asked Aug 04 '15, 6:43 a.m.
 I am using RQM command line adaptor to run a test. It is successful and receiving the scheduled test id. I am using  another utility to poll the test status and once it is complete the result files are downloaded in the same location.

I am running this utility in a batch file. As a result of this batch execution i have to send back the files to RQM from 
the location where it stored. 

How to send back the result files to RQM?.

One answer

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Shuhichi Saitoh (20059) | answered Aug 04 '15, 10:58 p.m.
edited Aug 13 '15, 10:01 p.m.
As described in this article, you can attach files to test result by adding file labels and file paths to a text file which RQM provided through "qm_AttachmentsFile" environment variable.

Integrating your test tools with IBM Rational Quality Manager using the command-line adapter

If you are using windows .bat file, and your test generates a test result file into C:/test/result.dat, then inserting the following logic will work.

echo TestResultData=C:/test/result.dat >> %qm_AttachmentsFile%

!! FIXED (removed the double-quote marks) after the reply

Sajitha Yousuf commented Aug 12 '15, 8:25 a.m.

1) shall i use like below?

echo "TestResultData=C:/test/*.zip" >> %qm_AttachmentsFile%

2) when i tried the above one in a batch file it showed like below in result details of RQM

C:\ATS\RQMCommandLineAdapter>echo "TestResultData=C:/ATS/ResultFiles/"  1>>C:\Users\e537886\AppData\Local\Temp\QMAdapter8456976286409256132.attach 
Is it the right behaviour?

Shuhichi Saitoh commented Aug 12 '15, 8:32 p.m.

1) No. You cannot use wildcard (*). You must specify actual file path. If you have multiple files, you should write loop logic in the bat file.

2) Yes, it seems working for me. You should see the "TestResultData" file link on the RQM's Execution result page, just below the xxxxx.out (the result detail you mentioned) and xxxxx.err file link.

Sajitha Yousuf commented Aug 13 '15, 1:44 a.m.

 I am using this command
echo "TestResultData=C:/ATS/ResultFiles/" >> %qm_AttachmentsFile% in my batch file.

It is not associating the file and showing it as a link below .out and .err file.

Sajitha Yousuf commented Aug 13 '15, 1:44 a.m.

 In command prompt i am getting the below message

C:/ATS/ResultFiles/ is not an existing file nor a valid URI link. Unable to associate with execution link.

But the files are available in the path.

Sajitha Yousuf commented Aug 13 '15, 1:55 a.m. | edited Aug 14 '15, 11:12 a.m.

Removing the quotes in the command is working fine.

Referred this link  -

Shuhichi Saitoh commented Aug 13 '15, 9:59 p.m.

That's fine. Thank you for additional information.
I'm sorry for confusing you.

Sajitha Yousuf commented Aug 14 '15, 1:55 a.m.

 Thanks Shuhichi. Your inputs helped me to dig deeper and get right things.

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