6.0.3M6 - resource links - can you link a file to a file?

hi all
Has anyone else done this?
Installed RTC 6.0.3M6 (only). Created a configuration. Attempting to link from file1 to file2, both are checked-in.
None of the relationships that one can create appear to be valid.
Has anyone else done this?
Being new to GC, I may have issues there, but ... should file-to-file linking work?
Seems the documentation around this only points to linking files to test cases or requirements (in a configuration).
One answer

as far as I know there is no file to file linking, there never has been and I looked into . You can link a work item to a change set and that is it. GC does not change anything in that respect.
What would you want to achieve doing this?
as far as I know there is no file to file linking, there never has been and I looked into . You can link a work item to a change set and that is it. GC does not change anything in that respect.
What would you want to achieve doing this?

hey Ralph!
Well, maybe I should be precise. File version to ... linking is being worked in 6.0.3M6.
The question is the "..." . The documentation describes links to test cases or requirements, but (file) version to another (file) version?
Reason this is important is that we need a deeper traceability story.

Sorry Steve, this somehow slipped my attention.
I can't answer this. I was looking for that detail, but I couldn't find it. If there is a way to link file versions together I would assume there is a special link type. The requests I have seen in the past where more driven by trace-ability to requirements or test cases and not between file changes. But to be honest, I don't know.