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if an RTC process template is updated by IBM, are the differences between the previous version of the template and new version released so we can implement them in our process templates?

Kim Williams (56136) | asked Oct 06 '16, 8:17 a.m.
We have architected our RTC project areas to point to a parent and inherit from the parent.  We started with the process templates provided by IBM and configured them.  If IBM makes an update to one of more of their process templates, will they publish the difference between the versions so we can update our parent projects?

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Oct 07 '16, 1:01 a.m.
Most of the process template development from IBM has been with the SAFe template.
Upgrading from the previous (SAFe-3.0) to the new (SAFe-4.0) is described on the page:!/wiki/W54ecb028c53d_48b0_9d5e_4584a00489d3/page/SAFe%C2%AE%204.0%20Assets
Click on this link at the bottom of the page, Configuring SAFe V4.0 in CLM (2016-08-17).pdf

Donald Nong commented Oct 07 '16, 1:12 a.m.

Or maybe just compare the specification.txt file within an exported template archive to find out the "delta"? :-)

Kim Williams commented Oct 07 '16, 7:58 a.m.

Geoffrey - I know about the SAFe template instructions and am using them.  That's what made me wonder about the other process templates.  Those instructions are really helpful and I was wondering if they are always created for the other templates (Agile, FPM, and SAfe) are the three we are using.  Or minimally, if all changes would be in release notes.

 Donald - that's a good idea as a .  I can pull the out of the box version of the template  we started with and do a diff.

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