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how to load component name?

i have a folder (ex. C:\sandboxes).
i created a repository workspace that have one component (out of 3 in the project).
i want to load it to a sandbox in a way that the top folder will be the component name and under it all the internal component folder will be load (of course the main folder is as stated above - C:\sandboxes).
any i dea how i can load so that the componnent name (or even the repository name) will be also a folder?
Accepted answer

I think I've done what you are describing before.
In the eclipse client, when you load the component, there are several options to choose from in the dialog. On the first page of the wizard, try using the option, "Load the root folders of the components as projects". On the next page of the wizard, just check the top-level component name while making sure that your sandbox is designated under the advanced options.
One other answer

What client do you want to use? Version of RTC (does likely not matter but interesting to know anyway).

thanks for the quick response.
too bad there is no option to load the componnent name or the repository name :-( of course i can create a manual folder and set it to be my sandbox, but i wanted more elegante solution :-)
i'm using eclipse plugin for version 6.0.1 (both server and client side) on Linux (Ubuntu)

You can look into the SCM command line and scripting. You can also look at component load rules: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSYMRC_6.0.1/com.ibm.team.build.doc/topics/r_scm_build_loadrules.html .
I have never heard this requirement before in 8 years in this forum and it does also not make a lot of sense without additional information why one would want to do this, to be honest.
I am sure you can create a solution that solves your requirment, but that will involve custom scripting, API and/or load rules usage.