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Memory Issue: Growthing permanently

Ahounguio Jean Francois (20218) | asked Sep 28 '16, 11:07 p.m.
We deployed CLM v6.0.2 on a server with 32 GB as physical memory and assign 20GB to the JVM in WAS integrated Console. Only RDNG - LQE - DCC and JRS are used to manage the requirements project. I can see that the memory used growths permanently until more than 95%. When i restart the server the memory usage start at 50% and growth progressively.
Do you have any idea?

3 answers

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Sep 29 '16, 12:49 a.m.
If you are talking about the memory usage that you can see in the diagnostic page, that is a non-issue. The memory is meant to be fully utilized. Just think about it as a "cache". When new data comes in and memory is requested, old data will be cleared out to give way to new data. Only when the JVM cannot keep up with the memory requests, you will get an OutOfMemory error. If you do not see any errors reported, or observe any performance issue, there is nothing to worry about.

If the memory is always 50% full, it means the other 50% is empty, and wasted. Do you think it is good? I think not.

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Penchala suman (461425) | answered Sep 29 '16, 3:16 a.m.
We do have similar issue, server with 16 GB and assigned JVM WAS to 12 GB. It always reach 95% with in short period after reboot the system, some times system will hangs with memory issue, I will reboot the system to fix the memory issue. I'm not sure why it reaches more than 90% even though usage is very less in RTC system?. I changed JVM WAS to 6 GB (out of 16 GB) and everything is starting working fine and no memory issue so far. May be system memory needed more than JVM WAS memory (not sure!).


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Alan Sampson (93749) | answered Sep 29 '16, 1:01 p.m.
If you've deployed RDNG, LQE and DCC onto the same system you will pay a heavy performance penalty as all three applications have significantly different CPU and memory utilization models and they will conflict.  IBM's advice is for these applications to be deployed to separate systems. That way they each exploit the resources they need without interference by other applications.

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