RTC 2.0 and eclipse 3.5
One answer
What it means is that you can use RTC with Eclipse 3.5 but RTC won't
necessarily use any new features from Eclipse 3.5 and the install path
may not be as simple as it is with 3.4. For instance, here are the steps
you need to take to install RTC 2.0 into Eclipse 3.5:
Having said that, I have been using Eclipse 3.5 with RTC 2.0 for many
months and I haven't noticed any problems related to Eclipse 3.5.
angelo_corna wrote:
necessarily use any new features from Eclipse 3.5 and the install path
may not be as simple as it is with 3.4. For instance, here are the steps
you need to take to install RTC 2.0 into Eclipse 3.5:
Having said that, I have been using Eclipse 3.5 with RTC 2.0 for many
months and I haven't noticed any problems related to Eclipse 3.5.
angelo_corna wrote:
On rtc system requirements page
eclipse 3.5 has a note: Tolerated Client
what does it mean?
Thanks in advance.