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Error importing work items in 603

2 answers

Have you checked? The CSV file for the Summary of that WI - may contain something that's causing the problem.. Also check the Excel file for that Summary.
what settings / configuration are you using for the import?.. you updating or adding etc.
Matt Muller

I'm trying with the same data - the error is raised after importing all the WIs, when saving the links. If I clear out all the Blocks/Depends On and Parent/Children columns then the import works fine. All the links are consistent, and the WI numbers referenced by the links don't already exist in the project.

I am adding, in comma-separated save of the file. I think Andy is adding too, in original tab-separated csv data as exported using eclipse client from (probably) 6.0.1 or earlier.

The work items get created, then the error happens, and there are no links between the WIs, but the WIs are in the project. Is it possible there is a new permission in 6.0.3 that is stopping this? I tried through Eclipse and through the new web CSV import, same both ways.
Tobias Klein
Oct 17 '17, 2:31 p.m.Hi!
Stefan Oblinger
Oct 24 '17, 1:52 a.m.Hello Tobias,
yes, there is: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg1PI84216
The issue should be fixed in:
- 6.0.3 iFix007
- 6.0.4 iFix003
- 6.0.5
I successfully validated the fix with 6.0.4 iFix003.