Can we parse ip address URI to Rational Build Agent if our server is named as localhost?
in detail: the rtc server is on windows and build agent is on z/OS. If we initiate a z/OS dependency build from eclipse client, our build fails. We assume that the server default name "localhost" can't be understood while communicating with rational build agent on z/OS.
It would be helpful to know if we have the possibility to parse the ip address to rational build agent.
One answer
I am not aware of the specific setup, however you would usually use the server domain names in your configurations.
localhost always only resolves to the local machine. It should never be used in any real network context. Please talk to your IT people that run your network to get the correct domain name for your buildforge server. If there is no pressing reason you would always use a server name and never an IP address either.
localhost always only resolves to the local machine. It should never be used in any real network context. Please talk to your IT people that run your network to get the correct domain name for your buildforge server. If there is no pressing reason you would always use a server name and never an IP address either.