duplicate records appearing when fetching work items through oslc query
duplicate records appearing while fetching work items through oslc query
below is the query i am using
https://jazz.visteon.com:9443/ccm/oslc/contexts/_D8vb0BokEeOPRNkCFniUbg/workitems?oslc.paging=true&oslc.where= dcterms:created>\"2013-10-30T06:26:29.514Z\" and rtc_cm:type =\"defect\" and rtc_ext:com.visteon.porsche.sop in [\"com.visteon.sop.enum.literal.l6\"] &oslc.select=rtc_ext:com.visteon.externalref,dcterms:identifier,dcterms:created,rtc_cm:type{dcterms:title},rtc_ext:com.visteon.howfound{dcterms:title},dcterms:title,oslc_cmx:priority{dcterms:title},rtc_cm:plannedFor{dcterms:title},oslc_cm:status{dcterms:title},dcterms:contributor{foaf:name},rtc_ext:com.visteon.dateclosed,rtc_cm:filedAgainst{rtc_cm:hierarchicalName},rtc_ext:com.visteon.rootcause{dcterms:title},rtc_ext:com.visteon.shareable{dcterms:title},rtc_cm:resolution{dcterms:title},dcterms:subject,rtc_ext:com.visteon.porsche.sop{dcterms:title}
when i use 3 values in the "in" list it is working as expected.
Donald Nong
Aug 29 '16, 11:44 p.m.I doubt that anyone on this forum can access the same system as you do, so the information is way too limited for others to understand the issue. For example, do all or just some work items appear more than once in the result set? If some, what's the value in the attribute "com.visteon.prosche.sop"? What value(s) does this attribute usually hold?
Jayesh S
Aug 30 '16, 1:03 a.m.Hi Donald
Donald Nong
Aug 30 '16, 1:36 a.m.So it may not be duplicated. It's probably the results are out of order when you get to the second page and beyond. For example, if you change the condition for "dcterms:created" so that only one page of results is returned, I guess you will not have problems. Then the question is, how did you get to the second page and others?
Jayesh S
Aug 30 '16, 2:41 a.m.The issue occurs only when the records are more than 50 or 100.