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AQXCM5048E The action cannot be completed because a global configuration is not specified.

Christophe Lucas (86234948) | asked Aug 03 '16, 10:20 p.m.
edited Aug 04 '16, 12:40 a.m. by Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035)
I am trying to add a DNG Requirements Collection link to a RQM Test Plan as per picture below (6.0.2 Build I20160323_2245).
And get this error.
AQXCM5048E The action cannot be completed because a global configuration is not specified.
To perform this action, you must be working in a global configuration.
Specify a global configuration and try the action again.

Has anyone hit this issue before, and fixed ? Thanks, Christophe

Accepted answer

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Aug 04 '16, 12:33 a.m.
I am assuming that you have activated configuration management for this RQM project area.
If not, you should report this as a defect.
I am also assuming that the "current configuration" (in the title bar right above the top of the clipped picture you inserted) is just a configuration of the RQM project area.
In order to give you the list of potential targets for this link, the system needs to know what configuration of that DNG project area you want to select the target from.   A "global configuration" is the way that you select a set of configurations (in this case, one from your RQM project area, and one from the target DNG project area).
Christophe Lucas selected this answer as the correct answer

Christophe Lucas commented Aug 04 '16, 4:13 a.m.

Thanks Geoff.

So, in this environment, YES the linked RM and QM Project Areas have each been 'Configuration Management' enabled. BUT, in this environment, 'Global Configuration' is not enabled, so no 'Global Configuration' Project, and no Stream that I could switch to in my QM Project Area ... and so this error.

I tried in another test env:
(1) create a 'Global Configuration Mgt' GCM Project, create a Stream GCM1 there,
(2) create 2 linked RM and QM Project Areas that I enable for 'Configuration Mgt',
(3) in QM, click 'Switch Configuration Context', and switch to GCM1
... Now I can link QM and RM artefacts and do not have this AQXCM5048E error anymore !

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