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RTC 4.0 - Create patch to resolve gap from Visual Studio client and Windows shell client

DH Lee (25784446) | asked Nov 18 '12, 10:43 p.m.
retagged Jun 24 '14, 4:47 p.m. by David Lafreniere (4.8k7)
I understand patch can be created to resolve gap in Eclipse client. However I could not find menu or relevant information to create patch from Visual Studio client and Windows Shell client

Is there a way to create patch from Visual Studio client and Windows Shell client?
Or is it only possible to create patch from Eclipse client?

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Sreerupa Sen (1.0k4) | answered Nov 20 '12, 11:18 p.m.
In Visual Studio and Shell clients, a patch is created under the hood in case of gaps - there's no user initiated patch creation. So if you try to accept a change set that will cause a gap, the tool will ask the user if she wants a patch created and if the user agrees, then a patch will be crated and show up on the Pending Changes view. The patch can then be merged into the user's workspace the usual way.
The reason explicit patch creation isn't enabled in the Shell or  Visual Studio is because this type of patch creation is really an Eclipse concept. In future releases, we may rename the term patch into something that would be more universally understood by developers.

DH Lee selected this answer as the correct answer

David Lafreniere commented Jun 24 '14, 4:38 p.m.

Note: The above answer is true for clients prior to 4.0.5

In RTC 4.0.5 we delivered additional support when trying to accept change sets which have a gap (often encountered when trying to backport fixes). In a very brief summary of the feature, when you accept change sets with a gap, you can now follow a gap workflow that accepts one change set at a time and, for change sets that contain gaps, creates a new change set (with aided traceability), that contains the equivalent changes. This means users will not have to accept the change sets 'as a patch'. Applying change sets as a patch has limitations compared to the new workflow (as discussed in the article below).
This feature is summarized in the RTC 4.0.5 'New & Noteworthy' page:

<continue reading my next comment> (There is a restriction on how many characters I can put in a comment)

David Lafreniere commented Jun 24 '14, 4:38 p.m.

Below are some videos which show this feature:
-Accepting multiple change sets with gaps in the RTC 4.0.5 client for Eclipse IDE:
-Accepting a change set with a gap in the RTC 4.0.5 client for Eclipse IDE:

In RTC 5.0 we added a "fill the gap" feature where the change sets that fill the gap are shown to the user, allowing them to either accept all the change sets or to continue with the gap workflow that was available in RTC 4.0.5.
This feature is summarized in the RTC 5.0 'New & Noteworthy' page:

The classes that are involved for filling the gap include (available in RTC 5.0):
client side: IWorkspaceConnection.findChangeSetsToAcceptToFillGap(...)
server side: IScmQueryService.findChangeSetsToAcceptToFillGap(...)

Both features are explained in detail in the "Improved Gap Handling for SCM" article:

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