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Is it OK to just use fixed streams and not being able to create more streams?

Ricardo Costa (1727) | asked Jul 06 '16, 6:52 a.m.
edited Jul 06 '16, 7:42 a.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646)

I'm working on a project that has 3 development teams. All the teams work on the same code base. We have only 4 streams (one for each environment) and we cannot create more streams. We can only deliver to the "first" stream that represents the development evnironment. After that, the code must flow from that stream to the second stream. From the second stream to the third... and so on....

This seems correct?

Every time there are collisions on the code. Because everyone is delivers to the same stream, the code is all mixed up. Code from feature A, feature B, ... is delivered all to the same stream and with no particular order. It depends on the developer....

What do you think?

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 06 '16, 8:50 a.m.

Next time, please edit your subject and don't create duplicate. Geoffs answer:

Ricardo Costa commented Jul 06 '16, 10:29 a.m.

Hi Ralph, you are absolutely right. I tried to do that, I even tried to reply to Geoffry but I was always getting timeout errors from the forum. I know that this isn't an excuse but I got tired of trying and waiting because the site is too slow.

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 06 '16, 10:36 a.m.

The performance lately is an issue. I have the same issue with waiting several minutes for the updates. So don't worry.

It is a bit annoying for us admins to close all the duplicates that this causes and I just wanted to make you aware of the option. If you tried and it did not work, not your fault.

Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Jul 06 '16, 8:53 a.m.
edited Jul 06 '16, 8:55 a.m.
There is no right or wrong. This is basically all a gray area. You could have a feature development stream based on the main development stream and work on the feature in splendid isolation. But then you will run into the situation that you will have to merge the feature back in a big one time effort. Or you work as described above then you will have a constant but small integration effort and impact on builds.

Ideally you are able to split teams at architectural borders and allow teams to work on their stuff without the teams impacting other teams. But how likely is that?

So you will have to decide what the best approach is for you. Usually smaller merges are less of a concern. You might want to decide to split off feature streams for huge features that you might want to potentially delay.
Ricardo Costa selected this answer as the correct answer

Ricardo Costa commented Jul 06 '16, 10:36 a.m. | edited unknown

 Thanks Ralph

"You could have a feature development stream based on the main development stream and work on the feature in splendid isolation"

I agree and I think feature development streams/branches are a perfect way to isolate but unfortunately we cannot create more streams. There are only those 4 streams and that's it. We have to use only those streams

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 06 '16, 10:40 a.m.

Another approach is ask for personal builds with smoke tests and using a post build deliver with a green stream to have working builds.

Ricardo Costa commented Jul 06 '16, 10:40 a.m.


"Ideally you are able to split teams at architectural borders and allow teams to work on their stuff without the teams impacting other teams. But how likely is that?"

The problem here is that we split logically the work in teams but they all need to edit the same files. Unfortunately, the teams share the same code base so it's difficult to do what you suggest.

Ricardo Costa commented Jul 06 '16, 10:42 a.m.

"You could have a feature development stream based on the main development stream and work on the feature in splendid isolation. "

I agree but unfortunately we cannot create more streams. We only have those 4 streams and that's it. One stream for each environment. We can't isolate feature developments with extra streams.

One other answer

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Jul 08 '16, 12:46 a.m.
If this "rule" that there can only be four streams (that your project lead has created, since RTC of course lets you create as many streams as you want/need) is causing more harm (entangled changes and broken builds) than good (minimize merging), then you should lobby with your project lead for exceptions to that rule when needed.

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