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Query in RTC: Excel somehow cannot recognize the Date filed as TYPE Date

Ratheesh Madathil (1371829) | asked Jun 28 '16, 11:53 a.m.

We have a problem in RTC (CLM 6.0.1) currently.


 -       You make a query with a date field in it (e.g creation date, resolution date etc..)

 -       Try to export the query results to excel

 -       Excel somehow cannot recognize the Date filed as TYPE Date

This now makes the issue for our users that they cannot for e.g. make analysis in Excel using the date field. We tried a little with that by changing the excel cell property, formatting etc…but without success. Excel detects the dates as plain text.

Can one of you try and find a solution for this?

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Jun 29 '16, 1:27 a.m.
It's a known issue.

If you're using the Eclipse client, you can try this solution.

If you're using the web client exclusively, you probably have to use an Excel macro to convert the date values.

Note that a new server property has been introduced in the latest version to allow you to specify the ISO 8601 date format in the CSV export.

Ratheesh Madathil selected this answer as the correct answer

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