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How to create a Defect Trend report in RTC

Rohit Rishabh (1531236) | asked Apr 29 '15, 3:28 p.m.
Our team is using CLM 5.0.2 and we are looking for create a Defect Trend report in based on the defects created in RTC for a release.
What we are looking is a graph which shows total no of defect open vs closed on daily basis during the release period.
Do we have an OOTB defect trend report in RTC?
If not what is the supposed tool that we should use to create the trend report?

2 answers

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Tiago Moura (8387) | answered Apr 29 '15, 4:05 p.m.
 You can use the dashboard widget "Open Work Items by Type". 

This widget shows open work item trend given a type and an iteration/release. If you want the exactly number of open and close workitems maybe you should use the Jazz Reporting Server or even the RRDI.

Rohit Rishabh commented Apr 29 '15, 4:35 p.m.

Hi, This dashboard widgets only shows the open work item over the release. What I am looking is the count of Open and Closed defects plotted against per day (Daily) for a given iteration.

Does Jazz Reporting server provides options to create trend reports?

Tiago Moura commented Apr 29 '15, 4:43 p.m.

I never implemented this kind of chart on JRS, but I'm quite sure that can be done. Using RRDI I'm sure you can.

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Alanna Zito (1.3k3) | answered May 01 '15, 11:30 a.m.
Take a look at the report (and dashboard widget) called "Open vs Closed Work Items".  This report shows the # of open and closed defects over time - you can select a specific iteration, work item type, severity, etc.

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