How to add external ID as subscriber
Ho to add external Id as subscriber in Jazz on below project :-
We do not have IBM internal intranet credentials for this id , We are not able to place request .
Please provide the procedure to achieve the above requirement .
One answer
As far as I know, a "subscriber" has to be a user to begin with. Based on what you said, the "Id" that you talked about is not even a user, so effectively you're trying to configure RTC to send out email notification to a random email address. I'm not aware such feature exists.
You may consider configuring an existing user's inbox to automatically forward the email notification to this person, if appropriate.
You may consider configuring an existing user's inbox to automatically forward the email notification to this person, if appropriate.
Use a technical user with Don't idea or use a tag or custom attribute and a custom e-mail notification extension.
is there any way to have this external email id as Jazz user ? as i know only IBM internet id can be added to jazz . if that is possible , Please let me know the procedure to create jazz id with If fine to own multiple accounts in jazz .
You have to talk to your system administrators to get answers. This is an open public forum and not the IBM Hursley Lab System admin forum.