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Does RDNG REST API supports filtering based on Folders?

Abish Mathew Zachariah (252511) | asked Jun 15 '16, 6:11 a.m.
One of my Clients want to Export Requirements from RDNG folders as per the folder hierarchy.
I suggested them to use RRDG/RPE, but I see that folder hierarchy is not exposed in RDNG REST API.
I can only get a handle on the parent folder name of an artifacts:
So the questions:

1.) Do we have folder hierarchy exposed in RDNG 6.0.x REST API
2.) Can I filter artifacts based on folders in RDNG REST API.
I used something like https://server:9443/rm/publish/text?folderName=Images&projectURI=_0M01kBxbEeavIZKujfEbTw. But it turned out to be a bad request

Any suggestion in this regards is highly appreciated.
Best Regards
Abish M Zachariah

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