RRC+RPE: How to get the URI of the base artifact when the artifact is included in a module
Modules contain other artifacts.
One artifact has one visible ID which is identical in both contexts: within a module and stand-alone.
The actual URI for both is different.
After studying all available documents I do not get any information on how the ReportableRESTAPI returns the information (URI) to the base artifact. It is not available in regular response.
How do one find during document generation with the RPE , the URI of the base artifact?
That is essentail, since some information related to the stand-alone artifact is not available within the result for an URI which is module based. See also my other post on requesting the information on links.
Thanks for any hints.
One artifact has one visible ID which is identical in both contexts: within a module and stand-alone.
The actual URI for both is different.
After studying all available documents I do not get any information on how the ReportableRESTAPI returns the information (URI) to the base artifact. It is not available in regular response.
How do one find during document generation with the RPE , the URI of the base artifact?
That is essentail, since some information related to the stand-alone artifact is not available within the result for an URI which is module based. See also my other post on requesting the information on links.
Thanks for any hints.
3 answers
Using binding URI for module seems to work for most types of artifacts for RPE. We only found Use Case Diagrams and Storyboards do not work and need the base artifact UUID for RPE and in that case, as Jorge suggests, it is known defect or we can say it is a new feature in v5.0.
I also want to comment that even if the biding URI can be used to get artifact information for most types of artifacts I would recommend to request the fix since those are binding artifacts, the information is limited even when the request is correctly returned.
The biding artifacts are expected to be used as wrappers, so they do not contain all the artifact information.
I also want to comment that even if the biding URI can be used to get artifact information for most types of artifacts I would recommend to request the fix since those are binding artifacts, the information is limited even when the request is correctly returned.
The biding artifacts are expected to be used as wrappers, so they do not contain all the artifact information.
That's good points. Thanks Jorge. I have an end user who has the same problem and I am waiting for feedback from them if they would wait for v5.0 or need a fix for 4.0.5 they are using. If required, I would submit a hotfix request.
I have submitted hotfix request for v4.0.5 in workitem 304026. Please review and help. thanks