How to get a category type custom attribute through Reportable Rest url query?
I´m trying to retrieve a "category" type custom attribute value through Reportable Rest url query.
The url i´m using: https://server:9443/ccm/rpt/repository/workitem?fields=workItem/workItem[id=number]/(*/(*))
The result shows no value for the attribute I´m trying to get (only for the "file against" atribute), so I´m wondering if the Reportable Rest API is able to retrieve custom attributes values of "category" type.
Are there any other way to get this?
I´m trying to retrieve a "category" type custom attribute value through Reportable Rest url query.
The url i´m using: https://server:9443/ccm/rpt/repository/workitem?fields=workItem/workItem[id=number]/(*/(*))
The result shows no value for the attribute I´m trying to get (only for the "file against" atribute), so I´m wondering if the Reportable Rest API is able to retrieve custom attributes values of "category" type.
Are there any other way to get this?
One answer
You can try https://server:9443/ccm/rpt/repository/workitem?fields=workitem/workItem[id=number]/(*|allExtensions/(key|displayValue/*/*))
To get full list of category, you can use the URL
https://server:9443/ccm/rpt/repository/workitem?fields=workitem/category[projectArea/name="JKE Banking (Change Management)"]/*
Note that fields=workitem/workItem/category specifies the categories for existing work items only.
To get full list of category, you can use the URL
https://server:9443/ccm/rpt/repository/workitem?fields=workitem/category[projectArea/name="JKE Banking (Change Management)"]/*
Note that fields=workitem/workItem/category specifies the categories for existing work items only.