RQM Word Importer: How can I get the requirement to be entered into the Validates Requirement field for a Test Script?
What should the testscript......line be for the requirement?
Here's my .cfg file:
testscript.ID=Table(4).C2 // Test Script Number
testscript.dc:title=Table(4).C3 // Test Script Title
testscript.dc:type=Table(4).C4 // Test Script Type
testscript.dc:description=Table(4).C5 // Test Script Description
testscript.alm:owner=Table(4).C6 // Test Script Owner
testscript.category term="Test Phase".value=Table(4).C7 // Test Script Test Phase
testscript.steps.title=Table(5).A // Test Step Number
testscript.steps.type=Table(5).B // Test Step Type
testscript.steps.description=Table(5).C // Test Step Description
testscript.steps.expectedResult=Table(5).D // Test Step Expected Result
testscript.steps.comment=Table(5).F // Test Step Comment
Here is the matches tables in my Word document:
A |
B |
C |
2 |
Test Script ID |
9 |
3 |
Test Script Title |
RQM Importer Test |
4 |
Test Script Type |
Manual |
5 |
Test Script Description |
Testing how this works :) |
6 |
Test Script Owner |
Fred Smith
7 |
Test Script’s Test Phase |
System |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
Step # |
Type |
System Stimulus |
Expected Results |
Requirement |
Comments |
1 |
Execution |
Select the “Login” link. |
The “Login” screen is displayed. |
2 |
Execution |
Enter the System Administrator credentials and select the “Login” push button.
Note: Contact the IESP Lab System Manager for credentials. |
The System Administrator is logged in. |
Note: Contact the IESP Lab System Manager for credentials. |
3 |
Execution |
View the “Site Usage” link. |
The “Site Usage” link is available for the System Administrator. |
4 |
Reporting |
Select the “Site Usage” link. |
The “Site Usage” landing page is displayed. |
AIMMS2Req-153 |
One answer
Hi Mehul, I don't believe that the Requirements 001.cfg and associated excel cfg file answers my question. If I am understanding those two files correctly they are adding requirements possibly to DNG. If my understanding is incorrect, can you explain what the Requirements 001.cfg and associated excel cfg file is showing?
In order to link a requirement in the "validates requirement" column in the RQM test script I'm assuming that there should be a line in my .cfg file that would be something like testscript.steps.requirement=Table(5).E
I've tried that and I haven't gotten it to work.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thanks, Karen