RQM: What is the purpose of Tests Passed/Total Tests on Build Records?
We are using RQM 5.0.2, build 120141031_1744 iFix007. Integration is set up with RTC so that build records are created automatically in RQM. On Build Records, we see Total Tests and Test Passed. On the Build Records table, we see a column for Tests Passed/Total Tests. No values display even though we select the build when running test cases and test suites and we've verified that the build shows on the result records. What is the purpose of Total Tests and Tests Passed and what action do we need to take to populate values?
2 answers
You can populate those values by building an execution schedule which is triggered by build completion. I.e., once RQM is notified that a build is ready, RQM will execute all the tests in the associated execution schedule, which then are listed as Build Verification Tests (BVT) in the build records.