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RTC extention plugin

Akshay Panchakshari (37429) | asked Jun 06 '16, 7:20 a.m.

I am following this link -->

to create advisor plugin. When creating site project i saw that the default location for the site is under server\conf\ccm\sites\YOUR_SITE_FOLDER.  Also in next step there is need to create provision file under \server\conf\ccm\provision_profiles

But in my case the server has been installed on remote location. so i cant access \server and subfolders .

Is there any way that we can do above steps thru local machine ?

Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jun 06 '16, 7:29 a.m.
To deploy on a server you need access to these folders and deploy there.

However, since you are just starting and trying to get going with extending RTC, the last you should do would be to play with your production server.

Please follow, run the extensions workshop and set up a development server on your machine. Also set up your environment so that you can debug on Jetty following the extensions workshop. If your extension works on Jetty, you can try to deploy it on your development server to trest deployment.
Akshay Panchakshari selected this answer as the correct answer

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