How to update an workitem for eg . its summary and status and priority and severity type and workitemtype and save it to RTC via programatically via java client api
i have found a particular workitem through iteration and fetch all its fields Now i need to update the fields such as summary,description,plannedfor,status,priority,severity.But i am not able to update all the fields.Also i need to update the planned for field in the workitem.Please help me. URGENT!!!
Please provide me a sample java client api code.I would be very grateful
One answer
Hi Ralph,
I am not able to update the priority and severity of a paritcular workitem having enumeration values.It needs an iattribute handle to fetch the list of Iliterals but i have fetched the workitem by expression without using attribute handle.please help me.Urgent!!
If you are not willing to spend the time to look into the suggested reading e.g. (section Getting the Work Item’s Attributes), there is no way to help you.