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Can changes to a module's data model be applied to existing modules in DNG?

Scott McBride (12610) | asked May 11 '16, 3:00 p.m.
Applies to RDNG v6.0.2

I am changing the "Preferred Module Content" field for the artifact type that is formatted as a module in the Project Properties window. 

Specifically, I am assigning a couple of artifact types to the module.

However, I am finding that these changes do not apply to any of the existing modules; the changes apply only to new modules.

My question is: Is there a way to have the properties of a module (at the type level) apply to existing modules?

2 answers

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered May 12 '16, 12:34 a.m.
It works for me with RDNG 6.0.1 using the JKE Banking sample project. After I add another artifact type In the Preferred Module Content section, I refresh the module page, expand the drop down menu for Create New artifacts, and I can see the newly added artifact type listed there.

It should work the same in RDNG 6.0.2. Refresh the page or even log out and back in and see how it goes.

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Koak Lodge (156210) | answered May 12 '16, 7:14 a.m.
I've found that FireFox and Chrome seem to cache stuff like this and even refreshing doesn't always help. So I normally open a new "private" or "incognito" window afterwards to get the updated changes. I haven't noticed this issue with IE.

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