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What are the best practices for links between RTC and RQM?

Renata Rahal (1312) | asked May 10 '16, 10:02 a.m.
 At the model implemented in our company, the links were ordered to be mandatory created:
  • Related Test Case
  • Related Test Execution Record
  • Affects Test Result
But the link "Related Test Execution Record" is necessary for what? 

What useful information this type of link can provide?

Accepted answer

permanent link
Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered May 10 '16, 11:58 p.m.
Hi, Renata

Related 'test artifact' type of link is for 'track' purpose. One test case can have multiple TERs and knowing which TER is linked to the work item can be useful when the user wants to track the specific TER leading to its own set of test results etc.

Renata Rahal selected this answer as the correct answer

Renata Rahal commented May 12 '16, 10:57 a.m.

 Hi, Don

But the users ask to me why they need this track. What they want to know with this?
They supose if the affect tests result are ok, they dont need to link the test execution.

Thanks for answer me.

Don Yang commented May 12 '16, 9:10 p.m.

Hi, Renata

If you already have test result, using "affect test result' should be enough. I don't know the background of having those 3 links to be created mandatory in your team. At least to me, if you create the TCER(s) and have not yet execute it(there is no result), having the link "related TCER" link is a valid option for you to track.


Renata Rahal commented May 13 '16, 10:34 a.m.

 Hi, Don

Thanks, i supose this is a good reason.

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