How can I consolidate identical data sources in RPE template?
When copying a report section with dynamic data source and queries from one RPE report template to another, RPE creates a new data source in the destination report (no option to merge). Is there any way I can merge 2 data sources in an RPE template? Otherwise, I have duplicate data sources I don't need.
Accepted answer
Do you mean Importing a template (Physical Embedding or Dynamic referencing)? If so, you can resolve data source conflicts using the import wizard. Choose "Use a compatible Data source defined in existing Template" so that the existing data source will be reused. There is no option to "merge" data sources in RPE. You can however open the schema in editor and do it manually, but it is not recommended.
I did not import a template. I opened a second template in another tab, and did a copy/paste of a section of the template that included a dynamic data source and associated queries. When I did the paste, the system did not allow me to reuse an existing data source by the same name. I had to provide a new name for the copied data source, and it added it as a new data source.
Here is what I was trying to do: I had an existing report with "modules" as the top query, and I wanted to convert the report to a "views" quickprintmodule report. However I did not want to lose all the work done in the old report (hence the copy/paste).
Thanks for the tip on importing templates. I will try that approach and see if it meets my needs.
Yes, the import was what I needed to do. It allowed me to merge the data sources on import (which copy/paste did not). Thanks again, Subramanya!