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how to get OAuth consumer key from jazz via oauthRequestConsumerKeyUrl

Saqib Niaz (711223) | asked May 04 '16, 5:35 a.m.
edited May 04 '16, 5:41 a.m.
 I am trying to get a consumer key from oauthRequestConsumerKeyUrl mentioned in the jazz root services. When i call this url via a rest api call, i send the required data in json format as mentioned on, I get an error page back containing following heading and explanation

<h2>"Permission Denied"</h2>
<div>"Your account does not have the group memberships required to access the requested resource."</div>

Can somebody help in getting consumer key from jazz via a rest api call?

Donald Nong commented May 06 '16, 5:12 a.m.

When you said "jazz", did you mean If so, I don't think you can do it at all - that should require the JazzAdmins role which we don't have.

Saqib Niaz commented May 11 '16, 3:44 a.m.

@dnong by jazz, I meant our local installation of rational doors next generation.

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered May 13 '16, 2:13 a.m.
I cannot reproduce the problem in my CLM 5.0.2 environment. I get the expected behavior in the linked document. What do you want to do with this API? Register your application as a consumer to RDNG?

Saqib Niaz commented May 18 '16, 3:13 a.m.

We have a local installation of CLM 6.0.2. We want to register our application as an incoming friend to Global Configuration (GC) module. I have accessed the rootservices document of GC i.e. https:/localJazz:9443/gc/rootservices, it contains a link for oauthRequestConsumerKeyUrl, as we have to register our application as an inbound friend to RDNG, that's why i am calling this oauthRequestConsumerKeyUrl and sending the json as mentioned in the rootServicesSpecAddendum. But the response that i am getting is an error message saying "Permission Denied" as mentioned in question above.

Is it possible for third party applications to register themselves as an inbound friend to RDNG?
if yes, then what kind of permissions we need to do this?

Donald Nong commented May 18 '16, 3:19 a.m.

Is it a typo? Why "gc" in the URL? I expect "rm" or "jts".

Saqib Niaz commented Aug 09 '17, 10:47 a.m. | edited Aug 09 '17, 10:47 a.m.

 gc is not a typo. I want to register my application in "Consumers (Inbound)" in GC module. It is possible to do it via web interface. But I was trying to find out a way to do it via some api call.

Donald Nong commented Aug 10 '17, 5:31 a.m.

Wow, a response 15 months too late. While I am not sure whether you can register a third-party application to GC that way, what you want to achieve as described looks confusing to me.

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