How to reverse a changeset after merge
One answer
Please find the link below, its still same steps you have to follow even if you merged.
Also see:
as interesting if questions come up.
Hi Arun and Ralph,
Thanks for the answer.
I knew, how to reverse a changeset. But the problem is, a merge changeset will be automatically created. If two people worked at the same component parallel. I tried to reverse the changeset with your suggested method, but I get the error:
Error while discarding change set. Would create fork/conflict
Please help me.
You will need to be more precise about what exactly you are doing.
I do not see how a merge set would "automatically arise" in the scenario you are describing.
If you accept a change set that modifies a file that you have modified in a non-delivered change-set, you will get a conflict.
A merge change-set will be created if you then request a merge.
A "reverse" operation will create a patch, that you can than apply to your workspace to get another change set.
In none of these steps would a "discard" be performed, so you must be trying to discard a change set at some point (which isn't something you mentioned).